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Sylvia Lawrence
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Are You A Rejection Junkie?
Check all that apply.
Was one or both of your parents ever too busy to spend time with you?
Did one of your parents hover over you, micro-manage, or over protect you?
Was a parent over-protective or over-permissive?
Did you have to assume adult responsibilities at an early age?
Were you spoiled or overly pampered?
Did your parents divorce?
Was one or both parents alcoholic?
Were either or both of your parents distant, unavailable, or detached from you?
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Check all that apply.
Did you struggle with self esteem?
Were you ever bullied, pressured, or shamed by your peers?
Were you ever shamed, humiliated, or harassed by a teacher or adult in charge?
Were you neglected, ignored, or dismissed by teachers or adults in charge?
Did you have to move a lot?
Were you introduced to sexual activity at an early age?
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Check all that apply
Do you feel you’re constantly trying to keep up at work?
Are you worried about getting and keeping clients?
Does anyone at work keep putting you off, or treat you with disdain or disrespect?
Is climbing the corporate ladder draining you in any way?
Have you ever violated your ethics to gain client or employer approval or acceptance?
Are you working excessive hours so there is no time for much else?
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Check all that apply
Does your spouse sometimes treat you with disdain, disrespect, or criticism?
Are you or your spouse depressed, or difficult to motivate or encourage?
Is there constant nitpicking in your relationship?
Is sex sometimes an area of disagreement, resentment, or anxiety?
Do you have, or are you a spouse who cannot pull his or her weight in the relationship?
Do you carry any quiet resentments toward or disappointments in your spouse?
Do you wish you had more freedom, space, or personal time?
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Check all that apply
Do your children treat you with disrespect or contempt?
Do your children sigh, slam doors, pout, whine, or throw tantrums?
Do your children obey your requests and orders?
Are you a snowplow parent (removing all obstacles or difficulties from them)?
Are you a concierge parent (serving their every need)?
Are you a helicopter parent (often worried and hovering over them)?
I am not a parent.
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