Rebuilding Coaching
Phase III
Prerequisite: Initial Life Coaching Sessions & Freedom Coaching Required
Want new life skills?
This is the third—and most important—phase of freedom from being a Rejection Junkie.
Having gained your mental and emotional freedom from others and yourself, you will be given the tools and skills to MAINTAIN your freedom and RESTRUCTURE your life and relationships. Appropriate self-acceptance will begin, and false/guilt and performance will end!
Best of all? You will be shown how to become your own life coach!
Your coach will create a personalized plan for you to:
- Create a positive self-image
- Gain total self-acceptance just as you are
- See and love yourself as God sees and loves you
- Understand your personality strengths and weaknesses
- Fulfill your role as husband or wife in marriage
- Learn how to develop your child’s self-image
- Learn problem-solving techniques to become your own coach!
Note: Rebuilding coaching occurs over several days according to a mutually agreed-on schedule. Fees include all materials.

Phase I – Self Image Therapy
- Self-acceptance from God’s perspective
- Understanding and embracing your identity in Christ, 4.0 hrs
Phase II – Rebuilding Skills
- Better understanding of your “Personality”
- Positioning yourself to be your own coach, 4.0 hrs
8.0 hrs INVESTMENT INTO A NEW LIFE $1600 per person/couple
ADD for Married/ Engaged Couples
Phase III – For Spouses
- Building a meaningful marriage
- How to be a wiser husband
- How to be a wiser wife
4.0 hrs INVESTMENT IN YOUR MARRIAGE $ 800.00 per couple
Phase IV – For Parents
- Application of Personality insights to your child
- Developing your child’s self-image
- Giving your child life skills